udm_rest_client package


udm_rest_client.base module

Base classes for (simplified) UDM modules and objects.

class udm_rest_client.base.BaseModule(name: str, connection: Any, api_version: int)

Bases: object

Base class for UDM module classes. UDM modules are basically UDM object factories.


  1. Get module using:

    user_mod = UDM().get('users/user')
  2. Create fresh, not yet saved BaseObject:

    new_user = user_mod.new()
  3. Load an existing object:

    group = group_mod.get('cn=test,cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com')
    group = group_mod.get_by_id('Domain Users')
  4. Search and load existing objects:

    dc_slaves = dc_slave_mod.search(filter_s='cn=s10*')
    campus_groups = group_mod.search(base='ou=campus,dc=example,dc=com')
  5. Load existing object(s) without open() ‘ing them:

    user_mod.meta.auto_open = False
    user = user_mod.get(dn)
    user.props.groups == []
get(dn: str) BaseObject

Load UDM object from LDAP.


dn (str) – DN of the object to load.


an existing BaseObject instance.

Return type:


  • univention.udm.exceptions.NoObject – if no object is found at dn

  • univention.udm.exceptions.WrongObjectType – if the object found at dn is not of type self.name

meta = BaseModuleMetadata(supported_api_versions=(), suitable_for=[], used_api_version=None)
new(superordinate: Optional[Union[str, BaseObject]] = None) BaseObject

Create a new, unsaved BaseObject object.


superordinate (str or GenericObject) – DN or UDM object this one references as its superordinate (required by some modules)


a new, unsaved BaseObject object

Return type:


search(filter_s: str = '', base: str = '', scope: str = 'sub') Iterator[BaseObject]

Get all UDM objects from LDAP that match the given filter.

  • filter_s (str) – LDAP filter (only object selector like uid=foo required, objectClasses will be set by the UDM module)

  • base (str) – LDAP search base.

  • scope (str) – LDAP search scope, e.g. base or sub or one.


iterator of BaseObject objects

Return type:


class udm_rest_client.base.BaseModuleMeta(name, bases, attrs)

Bases: type

This is not a subclass of univention.udm.plugins.Plugin, like in the original univention.udm.base.ModuleMeta, because we don’t need to load module specific code in the client.


alias of BaseModuleMetadata

class udm_rest_client.base.BaseModuleMetadata(meta: BaseModule.Meta)

Bases: object

Base class for UDM module meta data.

auto_open = True
auto_reload = True
property identifying_property: str

UDM property of which the mapped LDAP attribute is used as first component in a DN, e.g. username (LDAP attribute uid) or name (LDAP attribute cn).

instance(udm_module: BaseModule, api_version: int) BaseModuleMetadata
lookup_filter(filter_s: Optional[str] = None) str

Filter the UDM module uses to find its corresponding LDAP objects.

This can be used in two ways:

  • get the filter to find all objects:

    myfilter_s = obj.meta.lookup_filter()
  • get the filter to find a subset of the corresponding LDAP objects (filter_s will be combined with & to the filter for all objects):

    `myfilter = obj.meta.lookup_filter('(|(givenName=A*)(givenName=B*))')`

filter_s (str) – optional LDAP filter expression


an LDAP filter string

Return type:


property mapping: LdapMapping

UDM properties to LDAP attributes mapping and vice versa.


a namedtuple containing two mappings: a) from UDM property to LDAP attribute and b) from LDAP attribute to UDM property

Return type:


class udm_rest_client.base.BaseObject

Bases: object

Base class for UDM object classes.


  • Creation of instances is always done through BaseModule.new(), BaseModule.get() or BaseModule.search().

  • Modify an object:

    user.props.firstname = 'Peter'
    user.props.lastname = 'Pan'
  • Move an object:

    user.position = 'cn=users,ou=Company,dc=example,dc=com'
  • Delete an object:


After saving a BaseObject, it is reload() ‘ed automatically because UDM hooks and listener modules often add, modify or remove properties when saving to LDAP. As this involves LDAP, it can be disabled if the object is not used afterwards and performance is an issue:

user_mod.meta.auto_reload = False
delete() None

Remove the object from the LDAP database.



reload() BaseObject

Refresh object from LDAP.



Return type:


save() BaseObject

Save object to LDAP.



Return type:



univention.udm.exceptions.MoveError – when a move operation fails


alias of BaseObjectProperties

class udm_rest_client.base.BaseObjectProperties(udm_obj: BaseObject)

Bases: Mapping, Iterable

Container for UDM properties.

items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
update(other: Optional[BaseObjectProperties] = None, **kwargs) None
values() an object providing a view on D's values
class udm_rest_client.base.LdapMapping(ldap2udm, udm2ldap)

Bases: tuple

property ldap2udm

Alias for field number 0

property udm2ldap

Alias for field number 1

udm_rest_client.base_http module

Base classes for (simplified) UDM modules and objects using the UDM REST API (instead of the low level Python UDM API).

exception udm_rest_client.base_http.BadSettingsWarning[source]

Bases: UdmRestClientWarning

class udm_rest_client.base_http.DnPropertyEncoder(property_name: str, dn: str, session: Session, udm_module_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Given a DN, return a string object with the DN and an additional member obj. obj is a property that, when accessed, will return the UDM object the DN refers to. The property has to be await ‘ed.

class DnStr[source]

Bases: str

A string with an additional member variable.

decode() Optional[DnStr][source]
exception udm_rest_client.base_http.InsecureRequestWarning[source]

Bases: UdmRestClientWarning

class udm_rest_client.base_http.Session(username: str, password: str, url: str, max_client_tasks: int = 10, request_id: Optional[str] = None, request_id_header: str = 'X-Request-ID', language: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

async call_openapi(udm_module_name: str, operation: str, dn: Optional[str] = None, api_model_obj: Optional[Union[ApiModel, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) Tuple[Union[ApiModel, List[ApiModel]], int, Dict[str, str]][source]
async close() None[source]
async get_json(url: str, language: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any][source]
async get_object_type(dn: str) str[source]
async make_request(method: str, url: str, language: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any][source]
open() None[source]
openapi_class(udm_module_name: str) type[source]
openapi_method(udm_module_name: str, operation: str)[source]
openapi_model(udm_module_name: str) ApiModel[source]
property session: ClientSession
set_language(language: str) None[source]
exception udm_rest_client.base_http.StaleObjectWarning[source]

Bases: UdmRestClientWarning

class udm_rest_client.base_http.UdmModule(name: str, session: Session)[source]

Bases: BaseModule

Base class for UDM_HTTP module classes. UDM modules are basically UDM object factories.


  1. Get module using:

    user_mod = UDM().get('users/user')

1 Create fresh, not yet saved UdmObject:

new_user = user_mod.new()

2 Load an existing object:

group = group_mod.get('cn=test,cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com')
group = group_mod.get_by_id('Domain Users')

3 Search and load existing objects:

dc_slaves = dc_slave_mod.search(filter_s='cn=s10*')
campus_groups = group_mod.search(base='ou=campus,dc=example,dc=com')
  1. Load existing object(s) without open() ‘ing them:

    user_mod.meta.auto_open = False
    user = user_mod.get(dn)
    user.props.groups == []
async get(dn: str, language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Load UDM object from LDAP.

  • dn (str) – DN of the object to load

  • language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


an existing udm_rest_client.BaseHttpObject object

Return type:


  • udm_rest_client.NoObject – if no object is found at dn

  • udm_rest_client.WrongObjectType – if the object found at dn is not of type self.name

meta = UdmModuleMetadata(supported_api_versions=[0, 1, 2], suitable_for=['*/*'], used_api_version=None)
async new(superordinate: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Create a new, unsaved BaseHttpObject object.

  • superordinate (str or GenericObject) – DN or UDM object this one references as its superordinate (required by some modules)

  • language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


a new, unsaved udm_rest_client.UdmObject object

Return type:


async search(filter_s: str = '', base: str = '', scope: str = 'sub', language: Optional[str] = None) AsyncIterator[UdmObject][source]

Get all UDM objects from LDAP that match the given filter.

  • filter_s (str) – LDAP filter (only object selector like uid=foo required, objectClasses will be set by the UDM module)

  • base (str) – base dn for search

  • scope (str) – one of base, one, sub or children

  • language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


iterator of UdmObject objects

Return type:


class udm_rest_client.base_http.UdmModuleMeta(name, bases, attrs)[source]

Bases: BaseModuleMeta


alias of UdmModuleMetadata

class udm_rest_client.base_http.UdmModuleMetadata(meta: BaseModule.Meta)[source]

Bases: BaseModuleMetadata

Base class for module meta data. Nothing here in the REST client

property identifying_property: str

UDM Property of which the mapped LDAP attribute is used as first component in a DN, e.g. username (LDAP attribute uid) or name (LDAP attribute cn).

lookup_filter(filter_s: Optional[str] = None) str[source]

Filter the UDM module uses to find its corresponding LDAP objects.

This can be used in two ways:

  • get the filter to find all objects:

    myfilter_s = obj.meta.lookup_filter()

  • get the filter to find a subset of the corresponding LDAP objects

    (filter_s will be combined with & to the filter for all objects): myfilter = obj.meta.lookup_filter(‘(|(givenName=A*)(givenName=B*))’)


filter_s (str) – optional LDAP filter expression


an LDAP filter string

Return type:


property mapping: LdapMapping

UDM properties to LDAP attributes mapping and vice versa.


a namedtuple containing two mappings: a) from UDM property to LDAP attribute and b) from LDAP attribute to UDM property

Return type:


class udm_rest_client.base_http.UdmObject[source]

Bases: BaseObject

Base class for UDM_HTTP object classes.


Creation of instances udm_rest_client.UdmObject is always done through a BaseHttpModul instances py:meth:new(), py:meth:get() or py:meth:search() methods.

  • Modify an object:

    user.props.firstname = 'Peter'
    user.props.lastname = 'Pan'
  • Move an object:

    user.position = 'cn=users,ou=Company,dc=example,dc=com'
  • Delete an object:


After saving a udm_rest_client.UdmObject, it is reload() ‘ed automatically because UDM hooks and listener modules often add, modify or remove properties when saving to LDAP. As this involves LDAP, it can be disabled if the object is not used afterwards and performance is an issue:

user_mod.meta.auto_reload = False
async delete(language=None) None[source]

Remove the object from the LDAP database.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)



async reload(language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Refresh object from LDAP.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)



Return type:


async save(language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Save object to LDAP (via UDM REST API).


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)



Return type:



ApiException – when the operation fails

to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

alias of UdmObjectProperties

class udm_rest_client.base_http.UdmObjectProperties(udm_obj: BaseObject)[source]

Bases: BaseObjectProperties

Container for UDM properties.

exception udm_rest_client.base_http.UdmRestClientWarning[source]

Bases: Warning

udm_rest_client.exceptions module

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.APICommunicationError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when something goes wrong communicating.

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.ConfigurationError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.CreateError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when an error occurred when creating an object.

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.DeletedError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.MethodNotSupportedError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised if the API client does not support a method.

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.ModifyError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised if an error occurred when modifying an object.

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.MoveError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised if an error occurred when moving an object.

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.MultipleObjects(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when more than one UDM object was found when there should be at most one.

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.NoObject(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when a UDM object could not be found at a DN.

exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.NotYetSavedError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when a client tries to delete or reload a UDM object that is not yet saved.

msg: str = 'Object has not been created/loaded yet.'
exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.UdmError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class of Exceptions raised by (simplified) UDM modules.

msg: str = ''
exception udm_rest_client.exceptions.UnknownModuleType(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when an LDAP object has no or empty attribute univentionObjectType.

udm_rest_client.udm module

UDM REST API Client library

Python library to interact with the Univention UDM REST API, implementing the interface of the simple Python UDM API [1].

The API consists of UDM modules and UDM object. UDM modules are factories for UDM objects. UDM objects manipulate LDAP objects on the UCS server.


async with UDM("myuser", "s3cr3t", "https://FQ.DN/univention/udm/") as udm:
    user_mod = udm.get('users/user')

    obj = user_mod.get(dn)
    obj.props.firstname = 'foo'  # modify property
    obj.position = 'cn=users,cn=example,dc=com'  # move LDAP object
    obj.save()  # apply changes and reload object from LDAP

    obj = user_mod.get(dn)
    obj.delete()  # delete object

    async for obj in udm.get('users/user').search('uid=a*'):
        print(obj.props.firstname, obj.props.lastname)

[1] https://docs.software-univention.de/developer-reference-4.4.html#udm:rest_api

class udm_rest_client.udm.UDM(username: str, password: str, url: str, max_client_tasks: int = 10, request_id: Optional[str] = None, request_id_header: str = 'X-Request-ID', language: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Factory for creating udm_rest_client.UdmModule objects:

from udm_rest_client import UDM

async def func():
    async with UDM("myuser", "s3cr3t", "https://FQ.DN/univention/udm/") as udm:
        group_mod = udm.get('groups/group')
        obj = await group_mod.get(dn)
        # obj is of type udm_rest_client.base_http.UdmObject

HTTP(S) sessions will be closed upon existing the asynchronous context manager. It is recommended to make as many operations as possible in the same session.

property api_version

Here only for backwards compatibility.

get(name: str) UdmModule[source]

Context manager of type udm_rest_client.UdmModule to work with UDM objects of type name (e.g. users/user). Exiting the context manager automatically closes the aiohttp.ClientSession. Usage example:

async with udm.get("users/user") as user_mod:
    user_obj = await user_mod.get($DN)

name (str) – UDM module name (e.g. users/user)


instance of udm_rest_client.UdmModule

Return type:


async modules_list(language: Optional[str] = None) Sequence[str][source]

Get the list of UDM modules the server knows.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


list of UDM module names

Return type:


async obj_by_dn(dn: str, language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Load a UDM object without knowing the UDM module type.


dn (str) – DN of the object to load


udm_rest_client.UdmObject instance

Return type:


  • univention.udm.exceptions.NoObject – if no object is found at dn

  • univention.udm.exceptions.ImportError – if the Python module for the specific UDM module type could not be loaded

set_language(language: str) None[source]

Set the language used in the “Accept-Language” header for each request in the current session.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header



async unknown_modules(language: Optional[str] = None) Sequence[str][source]

Get the list of UDM modules the server knows, but this client doesn’t.

Unknown UDM modules cannot be used with this client library. When the list is non-empty, the package openapi-client-udm must be rebuilt to use them.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


list of UDM modules known by the server but not this client

Return type:


version(api_version: int) UDM[source]

This is not about versions of the UDM REST API. This is here only to provide better drop-in functionality when using this lib instead of the UDM Python API on a UCS system. It is not required to use this method.


api_version (int) – ignored



Return type:


Module contents

Top-level package for Python UDM REST Client.

exception udm_rest_client.APICommunicationError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when something goes wrong communicating.

exception udm_rest_client.ConfigurationError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

exception udm_rest_client.CreateError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when an error occurred when creating an object.

exception udm_rest_client.DeletedError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

exception udm_rest_client.ModifyError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised if an error occurred when modifying an object.

exception udm_rest_client.MoveError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised if an error occurred when moving an object.

exception udm_rest_client.MultipleObjects(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when more than one UDM object was found when there should be at most one.

exception udm_rest_client.NoObject(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when a UDM object could not be found at a DN.

exception udm_rest_client.NotYetSavedError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when a client tries to delete or reload a UDM object that is not yet saved.

msg: str = 'Object has not been created/loaded yet.'
class udm_rest_client.UDM(username: str, password: str, url: str, max_client_tasks: int = 10, request_id: Optional[str] = None, request_id_header: str = 'X-Request-ID', language: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Factory for creating udm_rest_client.UdmModule objects:

from udm_rest_client import UDM

async def func():
    async with UDM("myuser", "s3cr3t", "https://FQ.DN/univention/udm/") as udm:
        group_mod = udm.get('groups/group')
        obj = await group_mod.get(dn)
        # obj is of type udm_rest_client.base_http.UdmObject

HTTP(S) sessions will be closed upon existing the asynchronous context manager. It is recommended to make as many operations as possible in the same session.

property api_version

Here only for backwards compatibility.

get(name: str) UdmModule[source]

Context manager of type udm_rest_client.UdmModule to work with UDM objects of type name (e.g. users/user). Exiting the context manager automatically closes the aiohttp.ClientSession. Usage example:

async with udm.get("users/user") as user_mod:
    user_obj = await user_mod.get($DN)

name (str) – UDM module name (e.g. users/user)


instance of udm_rest_client.UdmModule

Return type:


async modules_list(language: Optional[str] = None) Sequence[str][source]

Get the list of UDM modules the server knows.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


list of UDM module names

Return type:


async obj_by_dn(dn: str, language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Load a UDM object without knowing the UDM module type.


dn (str) – DN of the object to load


udm_rest_client.UdmObject instance

Return type:


  • univention.udm.exceptions.NoObject – if no object is found at dn

  • univention.udm.exceptions.ImportError – if the Python module for the specific UDM module type could not be loaded

set_language(language: str) None[source]

Set the language used in the “Accept-Language” header for each request in the current session.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header



async unknown_modules(language: Optional[str] = None) Sequence[str][source]

Get the list of UDM modules the server knows, but this client doesn’t.

Unknown UDM modules cannot be used with this client library. When the list is non-empty, the package openapi-client-udm must be rebuilt to use them.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


list of UDM modules known by the server but not this client

Return type:


version(api_version: int) UDM[source]

This is not about versions of the UDM REST API. This is here only to provide better drop-in functionality when using this lib instead of the UDM Python API on a UCS system. It is not required to use this method.


api_version (int) – ignored



Return type:


exception udm_rest_client.UdmError(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[dict] = None, status: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class of Exceptions raised by (simplified) UDM modules.

msg: str = ''
class udm_rest_client.UdmModule(name: str, session: Session)[source]

Bases: BaseModule

Base class for UDM_HTTP module classes. UDM modules are basically UDM object factories.


  1. Get module using:

    user_mod = UDM().get('users/user')

1 Create fresh, not yet saved UdmObject:

new_user = user_mod.new()

2 Load an existing object:

group = group_mod.get('cn=test,cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com')
group = group_mod.get_by_id('Domain Users')

3 Search and load existing objects:

dc_slaves = dc_slave_mod.search(filter_s='cn=s10*')
campus_groups = group_mod.search(base='ou=campus,dc=example,dc=com')
  1. Load existing object(s) without open() ‘ing them:

    user_mod.meta.auto_open = False
    user = user_mod.get(dn)
    user.props.groups == []
async get(dn: str, language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Load UDM object from LDAP.

  • dn (str) – DN of the object to load

  • language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


an existing udm_rest_client.BaseHttpObject object

Return type:


  • udm_rest_client.NoObject – if no object is found at dn

  • udm_rest_client.WrongObjectType – if the object found at dn is not of type self.name

meta = UdmModuleMetadata(supported_api_versions=[0, 1, 2], suitable_for=['*/*'], used_api_version=None)
async new(superordinate: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Create a new, unsaved BaseHttpObject object.

  • superordinate (str or GenericObject) – DN or UDM object this one references as its superordinate (required by some modules)

  • language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


a new, unsaved udm_rest_client.UdmObject object

Return type:


async search(filter_s: str = '', base: str = '', scope: str = 'sub', language: Optional[str] = None) AsyncIterator[UdmObject][source]

Get all UDM objects from LDAP that match the given filter.

  • filter_s (str) – LDAP filter (only object selector like uid=foo required, objectClasses will be set by the UDM module)

  • base (str) – base dn for search

  • scope (str) – one of base, one, sub or children

  • language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)


iterator of UdmObject objects

Return type:


session: Session
class udm_rest_client.UdmObject[source]

Bases: BaseObject

Base class for UDM_HTTP object classes.


Creation of instances udm_rest_client.UdmObject is always done through a BaseHttpModul instances py:meth:new(), py:meth:get() or py:meth:search() methods.

  • Modify an object:

    user.props.firstname = 'Peter'
    user.props.lastname = 'Pan'
  • Move an object:

    user.position = 'cn=users,ou=Company,dc=example,dc=com'
  • Delete an object:


After saving a udm_rest_client.UdmObject, it is reload() ‘ed automatically because UDM hooks and listener modules often add, modify or remove properties when saving to LDAP. As this involves LDAP, it can be disabled if the object is not used afterwards and performance is an issue:

user_mod.meta.auto_reload = False
async delete(language=None) None[source]

Remove the object from the LDAP database.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)



async reload(language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Refresh object from LDAP.


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)



Return type:


async save(language: Optional[str] = None) UdmObject[source]

Save object to LDAP (via UDM REST API).


language (str) – Language used in the “Accept-Language” header for this request (optional)



Return type:



ApiException – when the operation fails

to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

alias of UdmObjectProperties

exception udm_rest_client.UnknownModuleType(msg: Optional[str] = None, dn: Optional[str] = None, module_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: UdmError

Raised when an LDAP object has no or empty attribute univentionObjectType.