Source code for udm_rest_client.udm

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UDM REST API Client library

Python library to interact with the Univention `UDM REST API`, implementing
the interface of the `simple Python UDM API` [1].

The API consists of UDM modules and UDM object.
UDM modules are factories for UDM objects.
UDM objects manipulate LDAP objects on the UCS server.


    async with UDM("myuser", "s3cr3t", "https://FQ.DN/univention/udm/") as udm:
        user_mod = udm.get('users/user')

        obj = user_mod.get(dn)
        obj.props.firstname = 'foo'  # modify property
        obj.position = 'cn=users,cn=example,dc=com'  # move LDAP object  # apply changes and reload object from LDAP

        obj = user_mod.get(dn)
        obj.delete()  # delete object

        async for obj in udm.get('users/user').search('uid=a*'):
            print(obj.props.firstname, obj.props.lastname)


import contextlib
from typing import Sequence
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from .base_http import Session, UdmModule, UdmObject, _camel_case_name

except ImportError as exc:  # pragma: no cover
    raise ImportError(
        "Please run 'update_openapi_client' to install the OpenAPI client "
        "library package 'openapi-client-udm'."
    ) from exc

# that code doesn't work when something goes wrong:
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):

[docs]class UDM: """ Factory for creating :py:class:`udm_rest_client.UdmModule` objects:: from udm_rest_client import UDM async def func(): async with UDM("myuser", "s3cr3t", "https://FQ.DN/univention/udm/") as udm: group_mod = udm.get('groups/group') obj = await group_mod.get(dn) # obj is of type udm_rest_client.base_http.UdmObject HTTP(S) sessions will be closed upon existing the asynchronous context manager. It is recommended to make as many operations as possible in the same session. """ def __init__( self, username: str, password: str, url: str, max_client_tasks: int = 10, request_id: str = None, request_id_header: str = "X-Request-ID", language: str = None, **kwargs, ): """ Use the provided data to connect to the UDM REST API. Additional settings for the HTTP client can be passed through `kwargs`: * debug (bool, False): debug switch * verify_ssl (bool, True): enable/disable verifying SSL certificate * ssl_ca_cert (str, None): custom certificate file to verify the peer * cert_file (str, None): client certificate file * key_file (str, None): client key file * assert_hostname (bool, True): enable/disable SSL hostname verification * connection_pool_maxsize (int, 100): limit of simultaneous connections opened by aiohttp (None means no-limit). `max_client_tasks` should be used instead, as it will instead limit the number of parallel tasks waiting for HTTP connection and prevent client timeouts. * proxy (str, None): Proxy URL * proxy_headers (dict, None): Proxy headers to add to requests sent through a proxy * retries (int, 3): override urllib3 default for retries on connection errors :param str username: username to use for UDM REST API connection :param str password: password of user for UDM REST API connection :param str url: URL of UDM REST API (e.g. `https://FQ.DN/univention/udm/`) :param int max_client_tasks: max. number of tasks starting parallel connections to open to the UDM REST API; minimum is 4; to few connections will lower performance, to many connections will lead to timeouts :param str request_id: correlation ID that is added to every request and response. Set this if you want an existing ID to be passed to the UDM REST API. If unset, a new random ID will be generated. :param str request_id_header: HTTP header that should be used to send the `request_id`. If unset, "X-Request-ID" will be used. :param str language: Language used in the "Accept-Language" header for each request (optional) :param kwargs: attributes to set on the HTTP client configuration object (:py:class:`openapi_client_udm.configuration.Configuration`) :raises univention.udm.exceptions.APICommunicationError: Invalid credentials, server down, etc. """ self.session = Session( username=username, password=password, url=url, max_client_tasks=max_client_tasks, request_id=request_id, request_id_header=request_id_header, language=language, **kwargs, ) self._api_version = 2 async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.session.close()
[docs] def version(self, api_version: int) -> "UDM": """ This is not about versions of the UDM REST API. This is here only to provide better drop-in functionality when using this lib instead of the UDM Python API on a UCS system. It is not required to use this method. :param int api_version: ignored :return: self :rtype: udm_rest_client.UDM """ self._api_version = api_version return self
[docs] def get(self, name: str) -> UdmModule: """ Context manager of type :py:class:`udm_rest_client.UdmModule` to work with UDM objects of type `name` (e.g. `users/user`). Exiting the context manager automatically closes the :py:class:`aiohttp.ClientSession`. Usage example:: async with udm.get("users/user") as user_mod: user_obj = await user_mod.get($DN) :param str name: UDM module name (e.g. `users/user`) :return: instance of :py:class:`udm_rest_client.UdmModule` :rtype: udm_rest_client.UdmModule """ return UdmModule(name, self.session)
[docs] async def obj_by_dn(self, dn: str, language: str = None) -> UdmObject: """ Load a UDM object without knowing the UDM module type. :param str dn: DN of the object to load :return: :py:class:`udm_rest_client.UdmObject` instance :rtype: udm_rest_client.UdmObject :raises univention.udm.exceptions.NoObject: if no object is found at `dn` :raises univention.udm.exceptions.ImportError: if the Python module for the specific UDM module type could not be loaded """ object_type = await self.session.get_object_type(dn) return await self.get(object_type).get(dn, language=language)
@property def api_version(self): """Here only for backwards compatibility.""" return self._api_version
[docs] async def modules_list(self, language: str = None) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get the list of UDM modules the server knows. :param str language: Language used in the "Accept-Language" header for this request (optional) :return: list of UDM module names :rtype: list(str) """ url = urljoin(f"{}/", "navigation/") body = await self.session.get_json( url, language=language, headers={"Accept": "application/hal+json; q=1, application/json; q=0.9"}, ) return sorted(ot["name"] for ot in body["_links"]["udm:object-types"])
[docs] async def unknown_modules(self, language: str = None) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get the list of UDM modules the server knows, but this client doesn't. Unknown UDM modules cannot be used with this client library. When the list is non-empty, the package `openapi-client-udm` must be rebuilt to use them. :param str language: Language used in the "Accept-Language" header for this request (optional) :return: list of UDM modules known by the server but not this client :rtype: list(str) """ return [ name for name in await self.modules_list(language=language) if not hasattr(openapi_client_udm, f"{_camel_case_name(name)}Api") ]
[docs] def set_language(self, language: str) -> None: """ Set the language used in the "Accept-Language" header for each request in the current session. :param str language: Language used in the "Accept-Language" header :return: None """ self.session.set_language(language) # pragma: no-cover-py-lt-38